What is an access key?

In the access key area, you can send digital access keys to family, friends and service providers for each of your maveo connect sticks. The receiving smartphones can then add this digital key to their own maveo app and use it to control your gate. The advantage: you can declare this digital key invalid at any time or set a time limit for it!


Open the maveo app. Search for the Access key widget on the home screen of your maveo connect stick. 

You have a maximum of five access keys available. Tap on an empty field to create another access key.

You can define three different name fields for an access key as you wish. For the access duration field, you must enter the number of days that your access key should be valid for. The maximum is 999 days.

To edit the input fields, tap the small symbol on the right inside the input field.

A successfully created access key will then be confirmed. From then on, another slot will be displayed as occupied, shown here in the screenshot as a green circle with initials. Your first access key!

If you tap on this green circle, you will be taken to the access key settings. Here you can either delete or share it. Access keys that have already been shared can be completely withdrawn by deleting them. This means that the recipient's smartphone can no longer control your door after deletion.

To ensure that your family, friends or service providers can also use the access key, you must share your newly created access key with them. 

Before sharing, it is best to inform the recipient(s) that they need to download the maveo app from the App or Play Store.

Now tap the SHARE YOUR KEY button and your access key will be sent digitally as a .mat file. You can use various apps to share this .mat file: Email apps, WhatsApp, Telegram, AirDrop, NearDevices and many more. You can find a more detailed list in the FAQs. We recommend using email to share the files.

After sending the .mat file, the recipient(s) must follow the instructions on the next page of this support section.


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